acres of river
acres of flora
acres of river restored
acres of flora plantation
Awareness campaigns
The Government of Tamil Nadu has formed a trust namely Adyar Poonga Trust (APT) in 2006 to develop an Eco park in 58 acre of Adyar creek. Later it was renamed as Chennai Rivers Restoration Trust (CRRT).
Objectives of the Trust
To facilitate the development, maintenance and conservation of Eco park by name "Adyar Poonga" at Adyar and any other places in Tamil Nadu, to bring best practices in order to create a demonstration and replicable model project of international standard, to fulfill the recreational and open space needs of the city creating a new landmark of international interest, to restore the natural state of the Adyar estuary and to enable the citizens of Chennai or any other place to interact with nature and learn about sustainable living.
To engage in the formulation, development, establishment, improvement of eco parks in the state of Tamil Nadu, in order to inter alia, regenerate the indigenous fauna and flora, maintain the forests, wetlands and other eco-systems of the region as parts of Bio Diversity, create / restore fresh water and saline water eco systems in terms of water conservation, and build recreational infrastrucuture, through appropriate development and deployment of resources.
To formulate plans and undertake implementation of programmes towards preservation of ecological and natural resources such as flora and fauna, water ways, water bodies, waste water recycling, preserving rare and all species of horticulture and eco balancing inter alia, with a view to minimizing and mitigating pollution.
To provide all assistance and facilities including all types of infrastructure and support systems in order to facilitate setting up of eco parks or other development so as to make available, clean air, water and place for plants and public to live in harmony and pollution free environment.
To evolve plans and programmes for funding for development / management and / or maintenance of eco parks in the state either through Government grants, Corpus Donations from Government agencies, general public, nongovernmental organizations, voluntary organisations / institutions; levy of user charges or any other method as it deem fit.
To identify districts, cities, towns, places, areas for establishing the eco parks and acquire, acquitise, buy, take over, lands for setting up of eco parks in the state of Tamil Nadu and adjoining areas.
To facilitate obtaining necessary permissions, authorizations, concessions, clearances and the like for setting up of eco parks in the state with a motive of achieving the objectives given above
To formulate, evolve and identify suitable mechanism for augmenting necessary revenues through commercial operation or otherwise of some / all facilities of Eco parks either by way of fees, charges, donations, entrance ticket charges, sale of produces and the like.
Composition of the Trust
Other Trustees
Management of the Trust
To manage the Chennai Rivers Restoration Trust and its activities, the Government formed a special purpose vehicle (SPV) in the name of "Adyar Poonga" under Section 25 of the Companies Act. 1956, headed by the Chief Secretary to Government with following officials as Directors,
The CRRT is being an organisation whose role is planning, coordination, funding and monitoring along with various agencies with the objective of rehabilitation of Chennai water ways and water bodies. The restoration of waterways and water bodies is a continuous process and various ongoing schemes under various Departments are already steps towards cleaner waterways and bodies. Hence, the Government constituted two committees, namely State Level Sub Committee and Technical Committee to bring all the existing schemes which are aimed at pollution free and clean waterways and water bodies on one platform.
Sub Level Committee
State Level Sub Committee to take all measures related to matters of policy, programme, project formulation, implementation, regulation and inter department co-ordination with the following members.
Technical Committee
The Technical Committee to take on board all the ongoing projects which further the cause of waterways and water bodies restoration. The technical committee will meet once in 15 days initially and then as and when required. The Committee shall work under the supervision and guidance of State Level Sub Committee by bringing all ongoing schemes/projects on board. The dove tailing will ensure that there is no duplication in planning as well as in implementation with the following members.